Abby turned 6 months old on Sunday and today she had her 6 month check up. She is happy, healthy and one of the most beautiful babies ever (I know, I know, I may be a tiny bit biased). Here are just a few things that I think you should know about my little Abigail Lillian:
1) She's not that little. She's in the 61st percentile for height and the 86th for weight. She also has a big head... 90th percentile!

Did somebody say big head?
2) She can move pretty far, fairly quickly, but it's not pretty. There's not a lot of leg involved in her crawl, it's pretty much all arms. She has started to experiment with getting up on her hands and knees so I think we are close. She is almost sitting up. I tried to get a picture today, but she'll be sitting fine and then topple over so I'll have to be quicker next time...

OMG! (Isn't that what the kids say?) Mom left her cell phone within arms reach!
3) She loves her exersaucer, books, Cece the binky kitty, Dotty the giraffe that's also a blankey, and anything she's not supposed to have like cell phones, beverages that are hot, and my glasses.

4) Abby LOVES Sammy - she only really laughs at Sammy.

5) So far she doesn't seem like a picky eater. She eats sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, bananas, prunes, apples and pears.

Give me more!