Months ago I made an appointment for our first family photos and for months the end of February has seemed a long, long way off, until last night when I was drifting off to sleep and thought... hey, don't we have those family photos coming up... on SUNDAY?! So today I ran to the mall to see what I could come up with to make the Malley family look our very best. I decided to dress the star of our family first and Charlie and I could just wear something that sort of coordinated, but it's all Easter stuff! I refuse to dress us all in butter yellow and carnation pink and I don't really want Abby to freeze outside looking just adorable in a sleeveless dress with blue hands (if you've ever seen Abby catch even the slightest chill you will know that this girl's hands and feet turn an unsightly blue if it's any less than a balmy 68 degrees). So the options weren't as plentiful as I had imagined, but I did come up with a few options. Which should I choose?

Blue Dress
pros: Charlie and I can easily coordinate with this look, It's really cute, it was cheap
cons: is just a tad big on her, but I could do a quick "hem" of the sleeves and it would be fine

Denim Dress
pros: Charlie and I can easily coordinate and I kind of like the idea of Abby getting a photo every year near her birthday and this look is really timeless
cons: it's sort of plain, but maybe could be dressed up with a bright accessory, sweater or some tights

Green Shirt
pros: it just might be the perfect color on Abby
cons: it's only a shirt and I need to find something to go with it and I don't know what the designers were thinking but this is a shirt for a baby and the arms are SO tight. Don't all babies have chubby arms?