Most of the time Abby is a smiling joyful little girl, like today when Dad came home early and we all got to play together...

But more and more often our easy going, easy to please, mostly predictable baby girl is starting to change. Suddenly she has an attitude and wants everyone in the house to do what she "says" and they better do it fast! And she doesn't care if you can't figure out what she wants! Oh and, duh, she only wants Mom! GRRR!

Sometimes I just can't help but take a picture of her crying...

Anyway, I know it could be a lot worse, but it's been a tougher than usual week and I really hope it's just because she's been taking crappy naps and getting some new teeth in. She is practically the only one year old I know with only 2 full teeth, 2 stubs and barely a tip showing... there's got to be a lot of teeth coming in, so that's bound to make a girl a little cranky.

A couple more things just so you won't judge, her shirt is usually stained because she refuses to eat even one bite if she has a bib on, she won't let me comb her hair, put in any barrettes or ponies and as long as she keeps crawling I don't know how I'm supposed to keep her out of the dirt when we go to the park... So I am aware that she often looks like a total ragamuffin, but it's just part of her charm.