Abby's birthday was on Sunday. We were pretty busy, so I am trying not feel too bad about just getting around to a Happy Birthday Post. It's only because we were so busy with real happy birthday fun to get to the computer, right.... well, that and it's hard to summarize all the things I love and am proud of when it comes to my precious little Abby girl. I am sure when Abby looks back someday and sees that I've taken almost 10,000 pictures of her in 2 years, she'll know that I was more than a little proud of her, but it won't capture how much I love her little personality. I love that she is silly, enthusiastic, loving, and so dramatic. Suddenly she has what seems like hundreds of words and she loves to put them together to sing songs, tell strangers random tidbits about her day - like yesterday when we were outside and she ran up to one of our neighbors as he walked by to tell him we made cookies for Daddy - the poor guy was very confused since he could probably only make out the word cookies. She loves to pretend and talk about all the people that make her life so filled with love. She's a special girl and I don't know how I got so lucky. I love you Abby!
Abby and her friends try out her new piano. She loves to bang on the keys and sing her ABCs.

Elliot rocking out on the drums!

Ahhh... finally a quiet toy! Abby LOVES decorating these cupcakes.

Looking like a big girl next to the piano.

Trying out the new SUPER Abby cape. I had no idea that Abby new who Superman was but since getting the cape she's talked about Superman and somehow new how to pose like this? Where does she come up with these things?