We had a very full and wonderful Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year. I should have done a much better job of documenting it... oh well, I will be a better blogger in 2012.
Abby loves window crayons... I love that she loves them and that they keep her quiet and busy for a surprisingly long time, but then you have to wash the windows and I hate washing windows.

This is our elf, Beetle. Abby loves Beetle and after we found him every morning I had to tuck him into this little bed Abby found and then she would bring him things.

Oh boy! Abby's big Hannukah present was (and still is) a big hit. Who wants to plan a slumber party??

Sammy, so shaggy, so beautiful.

Christmas morning! Look what Santa brought Abby... a barbie cooter (at least that's what Abby calls it).

This was the Christmas of dress up clothes. This is the pose Abby struck when asked to "look like a mermaid" - pretty good, huh?

My personal favorite is the pretend wedding dress. Abby knows a surprising amount about weddings for someone who has never been to one. She knew to throw the bouquet over her shoulder and she asked Charlie to walk her down the aisle. I think Charlie almost cried.

And this is Abby on the last day of Hanukkah when I asked her to please smile for a picture.

I almost forgot about Santa. Abby once again was terrified of him. She was so excited and told me on the way there that she was going to talk to him, sit on his lap, and make her silly face. But once she actually saw him she was horrified and refused to get near him. I am crouched, out of site behind the chair trying to keep my balance while hoisting all 35 lbs. of Abby Malley above my head. Let's hope for better next year.