My Mom helped me plant an herb garden that I love so much! It's so fun to have herbs growing right in your back yard and much cheaper than buying them at the store. I'm not much of a gardener (although I'm working on it!) but it's been pretty easy to keep them alive too. Basically I just planted them, put them in the sun and water them a couple times a day and WAH-LA fresh herbs! So, last night we had Herb Citrus Turkey Burgers from Cooking Light and they were amazing! Here's the recipe with a few of my changes:
Citrus Herb Turkey Burgers
1 pound ground turkey
2 tablespoons minced fresh basil
1 tablespoon minced fresh sage
1 tablespoon thawed orange juice concentrate, undiluted (or I just used the fresh orange juice from the orange you have to buy for the zest instead)
1 teaspoon grated orange rind
1 shallot - I added this because Charlie loves shallots
2 tablespoons or so of breadcrumbs I made from some high fiber bread (I had to add these because I'm bad about using the exact measurements and my patties looked too liquidy)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
I also made a spicy aioli to go along. Basically I just mixed some light mayo with some of the leftover orange zest, a little orange juice to lighten it up and a spicy mexican spice blend I found in my spice cabinet. Then I added a bunch of freshly ground black pepper and some chives and shallots. It gave the burgers a nice kick. Charlie and I both really liked these and are excited to try them again. I hope you like them too!
I will put up a picture of my herb garden once I get my pics off the camera.
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