Is Sammy Malley's second birthday! I can't believe our baby will soon be 2. I'm dedicating this whole week to Sammy's birthday countdown and since I don't have any pictures of her on her actual birthday I'll include this one of the first day that we had Sammy. Here she is in the car on the way home. Look at that big smile - she knew we were a match made in heaven right from the start.
Sammy's Life Story - Day One
Sammy was born on a farm in Yamhill, OR. She had at least 4 brother/sister pups that I can remember. When we picked her up on the farm all the puppies were in a little shed all huddled in one corner. The only puppy to run up and great us was little Sammy Doodle. She had a pink nose and wanted to give us as many kisses as possible. We were so excited to drive home with Sammy! The first night that we had her we tried to make her sleep in her kennel in the hallway, she whimpered for about 30 minutes before we couldn't take it anymore and put her in our bed. She has been cuddling with us most nights ever since! One of the worst parts about traveling for work and spending the night in a hotel is missing my little Sammy Doodle's head on my feet.
Sammy looks so little and cute sitting there. It's hard to believe that she is already two. Happy Birthday Sammy Doodle Malley!!
This is a great pic of Sammy!!! Time goes so fast! I remember you looking at pics on the Internet of little labradoodles!!! Happy bday Sammy!
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