Abby will be two months old on Friday. It has gone by so fast I can't believe that she is almost two months old... I think she might be spoiling us more than we are spoiling her. She is a quiet and happy little baby. She is smiling more and more and she very rarely cries. When she does you can usually fix it by picking her up and cuddling her or giving her food or her binky. We spend most of our days walking around the neighborhood and she gladly sleeps or gazes at the toys on her stroller as we walk. Take a look at how much she has grown, I had forgotten just how small she was when we first brought her home.

Days old Abby and the giant, doodle
Almost 2 month old Abby and her eager and extremely loving doodle sister
Me and my two babies...
Isn't she precious?!
She is indeed a precious little girl!
I just found both Abby's and Eli's blogs. What fun. Is your doodle a golden or lab? No shedding right?
that last little die for.
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