Guess what?! I'm almost 4 months old!
She isn't officially 4 months old until the 13th I suppose, but nonetheless, we had our 4 month check up and I have to share!
Abby is just over 2 feet tall and in the 58th percentile for height. I have to admit, I thought she was looking a little tall for her age, but I guess she's pretty average so far. She really excels at head size though, edging out most other babies and joining the big heads in the 83 percentile. She's also a bit of a heavy weight in the 77th percentile for weight. We are very proud of our little Abby. Here's a run-down of other Abby facts:
* Definitely one of the smiliest, happiest babies I've ever met. She loves to smile at strangers and loved ones alike and often makes a contented sighing noise that is one of the most priceless things you can ever hope to hear. No laughing or giggling yet, but we're pretty consistently getting a "HA!" sound followed by a big open mouth expression of pure glee.
* Really strong legs, she LOVES to stand, and take steps while you are holding her and kick her legs like crazy when she's really happy.
* This girl loves her binky... and so do her mom and dad.
* Quite the mover and the shaker, can roll over both ways and can scoot, but really only does it if she loses her binky.
What a perfect precious little pony!
I can't believe she can roll both ways already!! Talented AND cute...what a combo. Love it!
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