The good news is despite the fact that she has a really clumsy mom, Abby is 100% fine, the bad news is we had our first trip to the ER. This morning I was walking with her in the baby bjorn when I fell on our outside steps and Abby ended up crying hysterically and bleeding a little from a scratch on her head. She did not hit full force and if I was able to be objective (which I was COMPLETELY incapable of when it happened) I would have described her injury as more of a a scratch than a goose egg or gash, but still, you have to be cautious when it comes to precious babies and so we ended up in the ER. While we were there Abby smiled at the nurse, giggled while being weighed, and flirted with the orderly that spent about 20 minutes cleaning up my skinned knee and foot before the doctor came in and checked her out for what seemed to be about half the time that the orderly had spent on my knee. He told us he could order a CT scan but really that would expose our bundle of joy to about 20 chest X-rays when she had passed all his little tests without any issues, so we opted for going home and watching her closely and I'm so relieved to say 12 hours later she has remained her cheerful, sleepless self throughout the day. Here's a few pics of my little bruiser. It's safe to say that I am now terrified of causing anymore harm to poor Abby and only carry her with two arms wrapped tight around her, only drive 20 miles an hour and will never, ever leave her unattended with Sammy again (okay so maybe the last one is an exaggeration).
I am so glad you and baby are okay! Don't scare us like that!
Abby looks so happy in those pictures, poor little peanut. Do you remember the time I fell on top of Peter going into Dairy Queen? I guess he was a little bit bigger!
Ain't Motherhood fun??? I PROMISE to call you in the next couple of days - things are hectic around here! Sue
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