Thursday, September 3, 2009

We're a good team

Now that I'm home all day, I kind of think of Abby and Sammy as my co-workers. I don't know if I'm the boss, I kind of think that I'm the lowest 'man' on the totem pole, but with a team like this, does it even matter?

The boss, giving me a little constructive criticism...

Here's her standard, good job, everyone's happy face.

Sammy telling me, "Hey lady, don't tell me what to do, I'm on a break!"

Now she's ready for anything! Or really just ready for a walk...


Michelle said...

What's the name of your company? Does your company offer benefits? I want to work for your company!!

Lis said...

How's the sleep going? she has the cutest smile.

Melissa and Charlie said...

Her night time sleep is 100% better, she has slept 9-10 hours a fee times and we're getting at least 7 hrs pretty consistently, but napping is still not working unless she's in her stroller. Good thing I like to walk... but I think we'll need to try again once the weather gets bad.

I hope you and the girls are doing well! Can you send me an invite to your blog? I'd love to see some pics...