I don't know why, but I love picnics. So today, Kelsey, Eli, Abby and I planned a picnic. We didn't actually picnic that much, but we had fun. The park at St. Edwards State Park is way better than your average park. It was also way more crowded than your average park, but still very fun. I recommend it. I also strongly recommend the dog park in Edmonds. We went this morning and the tide was out so far. Sammy, Abby, Peter and I had an amazing time. I wish I'd had my camera, it was a picture perfect day and Abby and Sammy both had such a great time I wish I had pictures to share. Abby+Sammy+beach+mountains+sky+sunshine=PERFECT. But you'll have to take my word for it because, like I said, I didn't bring a camera...
The sandbox at maximum capacity:

I'm still hoping Abby catches some more of my enthusiasm for picnics:

Abby loves Auntie Kelsey:

Look at these cool, colorful things:
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