Abby is now quite the climber and among other things, Abby can now climb onto the couch by herself, so that she can look out the window with Sammy whenever she wants!

The Zoku quick Popsicle maker I bought and Christmas and never used, is finally in regular use and a BIG hit with Abby. Here she is eating both mine and her Clementine-Watermelon-Papaya Popsicle.
Check out Sammy and her new do'. Doesn't she look beautiful?
Here is Abby proudly showing off our herb & flower garden. We are both proud, me for actually watering it and Abby for listening to me and not picking all the flowers.
Eli loved his birthday present! A big truck and a couple hot wheels t-shirts.
I jumped the gun and bought this sprinkler/pool thing for Abby last year, of course she hated it then (what was I thinking?) but now she loves it. Woo-hoo!
And no picture can really show you this, but I'm working on getting a video, Abby LOVES to make animal sounds and is obsessed with trying to say cockadoodledo. It's hilarious to watch her try over and over. She loves to look at this Curious George book with a barnyard scene and little pulls for each animal and their sound. So far she has Moo, Meow, Woof, Baa, and Whooo down, and like I said, is desperately working on cockadoodledo.
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