Abby has always had personality, but now that she can talk a lot more it's abundantly clear that she is really silly and really fun. I really don't know where she comes up with a lot of it. The other day we walked into a small Starbucks and she yelled "SURPRISE!" as we walked in and then "Bye people" as we left. You can't help but laugh at a little girl that thinks the world is just there waiting for a surprise at any minute. She really loves to talk to people and she's a bit bossy too or I guess she just wants to make sure everyone is having a good time and taking turns. She's always trying to get people to dance or pretend they are cats or horses or on a tippy canoe (I'm pretty sure that's what she's doing when she says Whoa! and pretends she's going to fall over).... Like I said I'm not exactly sure where she gets this stuff, but it makes for some pretty good entertainment.
Abby playing with her new glasses or eyes as she likes to call them.
I don't know what happens in that crib during nap time but you have never seen hair like Abby's after a nap. It has such volume and height. It's truly amazing and pictures don't do it justice. Abby does not like to be photographed in such a state, but sometimes I have to do it despite her strong objections.
When I tell her to smile for a picture this is what she does. So sincere.
YAY! A sign of Spring! Just a little more Winter to go...
She still loves Sammy, but I hear "NO! Wammies!" A lot. Abby cannot say Sammy and it sounds just like Wammies. I love it. Abby alternately feeds Sammy most of her food or doesn't want Sammy near her while she eats, it's a pretty hard situation for poor Sammy to navigate which is why Abby ends up yelling "NO WAMMIES!" a lot.
This is the face Abby makes when she's thinking of something or has an idea. She's very dramatic.
She likes to put this helmet on and say "vroom, vroom" it doesn't really sound that much like vroom, but that's the effect she's going for. I wish I could get her doing it on video, but she is obsessed with the video camera and stops playing as soon as she sees that I'm taping her.
If Abby were in charge of everything she probably wouldn't wear clothes very often. It's getting much harder for me to dress her in whatever I want, suddenly she is very opinionated and wants to dress herself even though she's a long way from figuring out how to put on a shirt or pants... it doesn't stop her from trying. Her new favorite thing to say is "Abby do it!"

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