We just got back from Hawaii. It was wonderful and I can't wait to go back... and I really hope that I win the lottery so that next time I go I can 1. go longer and 2. bring someone along to babysit a couple hours each day. Wouldn't that be the life?!
Abby was a great traveler and provided more than a few highlights of the trip - like learning to put her head under water, calling the pool "ARRR Matey" (it was shaped like a pirate ship) and many other cute things and also a few low lights - like learning to climb out of her crib and throwing up all over me during takeoff, but hey, we were on our way to Hawaii, you can't let a little thing like your whole left side soaked in throw up ruin your first day of vacation, right? Oh being a mother does wonderful things for your ability to shake things off. Anyway we had an amazing time and to make it even better there was sun in Seattle upon our return!! Yay!
Abby and BFF Zoey.
WOW! 3 smiles captured on camera?!
The whole crew - THANK YOU Sheehan/Benedetti family for inviting us to Hawaii - we had the best time!
Abby and I had many battles with sunscreen, here she is on the first day ready to go. Good thing we have a few months before we have to start thinking about sunscreen again - I think we both need a break from sunscreen wrestling matches.
Let's go swimming!
Feeding the fish - thank you Westin for providing a convenient reason for getting out of the pool each evening - without the fish I think we might have had to stay in the pool till bed time.
It's twin day at the aquarium.

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