Ugh... for a little while I lost the will to blog, but I think I can do it again. I find it harder to take pictures of Abby now. She's cuter than ever, but you can't capture her cuteness as easily because she's fast and she is always moving and talking. Always talking. She really never stops. But she says some very funny things so it's worth paying attention to all of it. I don't know where she comes up with a lot of it either, like how things are either happening "next week, on Monday" or something happened "last week, on Monday". I don't know where she got it, but ask her when her birthday is or when she last went to the zoo or something and that's what she'll say. She also loves to play ballerina and she sings the word ballerina in such a serious way that you really have to see it. I keep trying to get it on video because it would be really embarrassing and cute when she's 13, but so far she is smart enough to clam up whenever the camera comes out. In other news, she moved into a big girl bed and she's getting very good at going potty in the toilet... who is this girl? She's getting so big, I can't believe it!
Have you seen those Popsicle machines at William Sonoma? We got one ages ago and until this spring I'd never really used it, but now Abby and I make Popsicles all the time and Abby loves them!
Senior Picture.
Abby has really found her inner drama queen lately. I don't remember what this episode was about, but it pretty much captures her pouty face and I'm sure you can imagine the whiny voice that goes with it.
Abby and Zoey play ballerina.
Abby and friends along with Abby's number one obsession, ice cream cones.
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