Wednesday, June 18, 2008

America's Next Top Puppy Model

I'm really excited because I just signed Sammy up for her first photo shoot! Really, it may be her only photo shoot because I'm more than a little worried that she'll run around the studio like a crazy dog and knock over all the photographer's equipment... but this photographer takes LOTS of dog pictures, so I'm banking on the fact that Sammy can't be the worst behaved dog she's ever worked with and just in case I'm going to wear Sammy out before the shoot so that she's nice and tired. I'll post some of the pics when I get them back, but in the meantime all of you dog lovers out there should go to this website and check out her dog portraits... I almost cried because some of them were so cute. I love dogs!

Click on Portraits, then either Galleries or Featured. There is one under Featured that is of a scruffy little golden dog (looks a little like Sammy as a puppy) and it's chasing a tennis ball. I LOVE this picture and have my fingers tightly crossed that I might get one of Sammy just like it. I'm going to the store to buy new tennis balls right before the shoot. Oh, I can't wait for the shoot! Count down to the big day - 19 days!


Michelle said...

I hope Tim Gunn is not too hard on her . . . or is it Tyra Banks? Who ever it is better be nice to my grandpuppy or I'll sic Scout on them!

Hope said...

I can't WAIT to see these pics! Sammy def deserves to be famous!