I keep going back and forth on whether I think we're having a boy or a girl. I took a quiz online today and it said girl and that combined with my lack of excitement for girl names has me convinced, at least for today, that it's girl. I like the idea of having a girl for many reasons but the easiest to explain are 1) I love baby girl clothes and 2) I really want a girl with short bangs and a little bob. I think little girls with this haircut are the cutest thing ever. I happened to flip though my most recent J Crew and found this little girl that fits my vision perfectly and she even has nerdy glasses that out future children are probably doomed to wear. Isn't she the cutest? I hope that I have a girl and she looks just like this!
How will I do two piggies and the rest long with short hair and bangs???
To really get a perspective on what this little one will look like I would need to see a picture of him or her with her/his head against the wall, hand dangling from the mouth and a giant GRRRRRR expression
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