I haven't been blogging and I have no excuse other than my life has been a little too boring lately. Oh, and I feel awful that I forgot to post on Charlie's birthday. I promise to have something heartwarming to say next year on his birthday. Maybe my forgetfulness was my subconscious punishing Charlie for saying that he was "sad to be getting older". This is an actual statement that he made to me, his 31 year old wife on his 29th birthday. Are you kidding me? Anyway, I don't hold grudges so we had a great celebration and I am only giving him a hard time in a loving way... :)
I wanted to post something really exciting to win back all of my faithful readers, but like I said, my life has been pretty boring lately, so all I can do is share one especially exciting thing that recently happened: I finished my "last" business trip! Hallelujah! I put last in quotes only because my boss has reserved the right to send me out if there are no other options, but I reserved the right to have a really bad attitude if that happens, so I'm hoping we have a real agreement. Yay! I spent this summer travelling slight less than usual, but I still had to go to Kansas City, MO, Spokane, Rosedale, NY (basically JFK airport and vicinity - lovely part of town), Melville, NY, and Mexico, MO. Mexico was my last trip and I spent about a week in the middle of nowhere Missouri. It was pretty boring, although I did get to see much of the state.
Aside from my excitement over never having to get up at 4 a.m. on another Sunday morning (for work at least) I am also overjoyed at putting an end to one of my least favorite activities ever - my expense report. It probably wouldn't be as bad if I didn't wait until I have about 3 months saved up. Accounting HATES me. Anyway, check out my lame cell phone pic of the worlds biggest pile of receipts.
Jerry Springer said "there is someone in the audience that wants to make a comment,... sir"
And an Accountant stands up and says..
"Umm ,hey lady, just so you know, like you are all ... - about your travelling and you say stuff like that and... - I hate filling out expense reports stuff and all...
Well I am here to tell you
You need to get in a program!"
Yeah! Glad you are back - I've missed you :)
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