The whole family loves Abby's birthday!!
She actually used to wear this onesie! Can you believe it!?
CAKE! It's SO good!
We got Abby a castle climbing toy with a slide and a tunnel, here she is loving it (although I think it'll be a while before she can do much more than put balls on the slide and watch them go down)

Abby loves hats.

Such proud parents!!
Abby woke up this morning and immediately began pointing to the stairs and making lots of DO! noises. So here were are playing bright and early. (I know that juice is not a toy, it is down there to weigh the stroller down - Abby can't quite walk yet, so she kept flipping it over without the extra weight).

Thanks family and friends. Your love and generosity is overwhelming and you are exactly the people that I wanted to surround my beloved Abby on her first birthday!
Looking so old in her skinny jeans and pushing her dolly stroller!

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