This morning I had to rescue Abby from her basket full of toys... This is what happens when your arms are too short to reach the toy you want I guess.
Giving her best one year old + 2 weeks smile.
As I've said before Sammy pretty much stays in the same spot and stares out the window for most of the day and I think if I let her Abby would join her for long stretches. What a treat for people walking by! I hope someday I look up to see a rosy cheeked baby girl waving at me with a fluffy doodle standing guard and licking her face now and then. To think we used to worry about how these two would get along...

At this point Abby was definitely telling me "NO more pictures!" but I needed just one more...

... and just as she has been doing more and more lately, she really let me know that she meant NOW! I wonder where she learned to be so impatient and demanding?

. . . apple doesn't fall far from the tree . . .
Someone has the most precious personality forming!!!
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