Monday, February 15, 2010

Bathing Beauty

Abby loves the bath.  I finally got around to taking some pictures to document just how happy she is in the bath.  I just wish I could get some of the vocal highlights on video.  She has been such a chatterbox lately, but as soon as I get out the video camera she quiets down immediately.  We don't get much Mama or Dada, but we get a lot of pointing followed by total gibberish.  Sometimes it sounds like whole sentences of total gibberish. Oh how I wish I had a translator... today she pointed at her rubber duckies one by one and said something like "liddy doo da mamama".  My baby book says she'll be experimenting with voice modulation and she really is, she said this very loud and with a lot of force... I hope when she learns to talk she doesn't start saying "MOM!  Give me that rubber ducky now!  I need it!!" but I don't have too much hope, my Mom used to tell me almost daily that it wasn't what I said (that was getting me in trouble) it was the way I said it.  I don't understand Abby quite yet, but sometimes the way she says it makes me just a little worried that I may be saying that same thing to Abby quite a bit... on second thought Charlie might be saying it because Charlie still says that to me and the last thing I want to be is a hypocrite, right? : )



Michelle said...

I love those pictures!! It reminds me of when you would have your bath and to help you enjoy having your hair washed I'd always ask you if you wanted 'snake ears' (shhh, Abby, don't tell your mom that snakes don't have ears!!!). Fun, fun times.

Melissa and Charlie said...

Maybe that's what Abby is doing with the rubber duckies? Snake ears!

enbi said...

oh she is so so cute - it is amazing to me how similar it seems that elliot and abby are (of course, they are only about 2 weeks or so apart, right?)
elliot loooooves the bath, and i just recently (as in yesterday) figured out that when she says "ahhhDAT" she's saying "what's that?" - when i figured it out, it sort of boggled my mind!
looking forward to seeing you again soon!