Thursday, February 11, 2010

sick baby

Having a sick baby is so sad!

Showing off her runny nose and teething pain.

Mom!  No more pictures!

I have to admit, before I was a mom, back when I was a worker bee, I used to think very mean, selfish thoughts about moms that took "sick days" when their kids were sick.  I used to think "that's so unfair, they get to skip work and they are fine.  I wish I got to stay home "sick" when I was perfectly healthy." Oh how wrong I was.

Staying home with a sick kid is the WORST.  Not only are they sick and sad and pitiful and that breaks your heart, but my oh my are they needy!  Anyway, yesterday Abby was sick for the first time.  She had a fever and a runny nose AND I'm pretty sure she's getting 4 top teeth, so needless to say she was a wreck.  We didn't leave the house and I pretty much held her the whole day and I think I got her to crack a smile maybe once.  So there.  I've done penance for all those mean thoughts and I am officially apologizing for EVER thinking that any of those moms staying home with a sick kid were just trying to get out of work.


Unknown said...

I'm not coming over until Abby is better. Though I love her so.

enbi said...
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enbi said...

oh melissa! i can honestly say that your little girl is one of the most beautiful i have ever seen - SO ADORABLE! we've seen quite a bit of that sad little sick face in our house for the past couple of weeks - definitely on the mend, but so sad to see :( we've even been hit with the double cold/teething whammy - ick!!

xo, eryn & elliot