Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Brian!

A couple weeks ago we celebrated Brian's birthday. We sure hope he enjoyed celebrating the big 3 - 5 because it's going to be a red letter year for Brian and family!

We are very happy to have Brian in the family and his mellow, level headedness and dry sense of humor keep us entertained and happy all year around, but his birthday was just what we needed to tell him what a great brother-in-law he is and how much we enjoy having him around! So, Hip-Hip-Hooray for Brian!

The birthday boy!

Melissa, Charlie and Sammy celebrating Brian...


fragment G said...

Happy Birthday Brian

I hope your birthday was a wonderful time

Hope said...

These are great pics. Your sister looks awesome! Looks like a fun birthday and Sammy looks like she's just about ready to party!